Discover Martinique in September: it is the first month of autumn, one of the two months where you will have the island to yourself! Be careful though: from the end of August to the end of October, tropical storms and depressions take center stage...
Temperatures in September vary between 24°C and 30°C.
The two months with the warmest water temperature are September and October. The average water temperature is 29°C!
There is rainfall about 18 days in the month.
Daylight is present on average 12 hours and 20 minutes. The sun shines 7 hours a day!
September is undoubtedly the least favorable month to discover Martinique.
Not because of a drop in temperature which remains very high (24°C - 30°C), but because September is in the middle of the stormy season. This means that you should check the local weather forecast before planning your trip.
Generally speaking, the best time to discover the island of Martinique is between mid-December and mid-April.
Infographic created by Tourcrib